Fermented Foods, Amazing Benefits Of New Top 10 Superfoods

Fermented foods

Back in 2002, Time magazine selected the top 10 superfoods. Oats, tomatoes, green tea, garlic, blueberries, broccoli, salmon, spinach, red wine, and almonds, which were selected at this time, are the top 10 superfoods we commonly know. Today is a magazine specializing in food and nutrition in the United States in 2023Today’s Dietician selected a new top 10 superfoods. Did you know that fermented foods we commonly consume at the table are one of the top 10 newly selected superfoods?

Incredible Benefits of Fermented Foods

Fermented food, as its name suggests, is a food that has undergone fermentation through certain conditions and time. In this process, microorganisms present in food are activated to produce various nutrients, which brings many benefits to our body. Today, we will talk about fermented foods, one of the top 10 super foods in the world.


1. Kimchi

Kimchi is Korean representative fermented food, and its efficacy is recognized all over the world. Kimchi, which is made by combining various kinds of vegetables, red pepper powder, salted fish, etc., gives our body the following benefits.

Health Benefits of Kimchi

Improving bowel health: Kimchi is rich in lactobacillus. This lactobacillus helps to balance intestinal microbes and promotes digestion.

Strengthen immunity: It contains a lot of vitamins A and C, which helps strengthen immunity.

Obesity prevention: Rich in dietary fiber helps weight management by giving you a feeling of satiety.

Antioxidant: Capsaicin, a red pepper pigment, has a strong antioxidant effect.

Precautions for eating kimchi

Beware of excessive salt intake: It is high in salt because salt is used in the kimchi manufacturing process. Excessive salt intake can increase the risk of various diseases such as high blood pressure, so care should be taken not to exceed the recommended daily salt intake (5g).

Eat with light food: Spicy food can stimulate gastric fluid secretion to improve appetite, so it is used in combination with light food to help control appetite.


2. Yogurt

Yogurt is a food made by fermenting milk using lactobacillus and is loved all over the world for its many effects. The following describes the health benefits of yogurt and its precautions for consumption.

health benefits of yogurt

Improving bowel health: Yogurt is rich in intestinal healthy lactobacillus such as ‘Bifedus’ and ‘Lactobacillus’. They balance the intestinal microbes and help digestion.

Boosting Immunity: Yogurt helps strengthen the immune system, and is especially effective in preventing vaginitis in women.

Improve bone health: It contains calcium and vitamin D, which helps bone and tooth health.

Weight management: Protein-rich helps with weight management as it makes you feel full.

Precautions for consumption of yogurt

Sugar content: Playbird yogurt with fruit or chocolate may be high in sugar. Therefore, it is recommended for diabetics or dieters to choose whether or not it is sugar or not, and how much sugar is added.

Check shelf life and storage status: As fermented food, you must check the shelf life and storage status. Long-stored products at room temperature or expired products can cause gastrointestinal disturbance.


3. Kombucha

Kombucha is a beverage that uses yeast and bacteria to ferment tea and sugar, and is loved all over the world for its many effects. The following describes the health benefits of kombucha and its precautions for consumption.

health benefits of kombucha

Improving bowel health: Kombucha is rich in probiotics. They balance the intestinal microbes and help digestion.

Strengthen immunity: It contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen immunity.

Cancer prevention: There are many antioxidants such as polyphenols, which help prevent cancer.

Weight management: Helps suppress appetite and activate metabolism, which helps with weight management.

Precautions for consumption of kombucha

Beware of excessive intake: Excessive intake can cause gastrointestinal disturbance. 4-8 ounces per day (about 120-240ml) is recommended.

Check caffeine content: It is made from tea leaves and contains caffeine. Caffeine-sensitive people are advised to avoid taking it in the evening.

Check sugar content: Some sugars are consumed during fermentation, but there is still a certain amount of sugar left. Therefore, it is recommended that diabetics or dieters choose after checking the sugar content by manufacturer and product.

Sanitary control during self-manufacturing: If kombucha is made at home, there is a possibility that harmful microorganisms may reproduce during the fermentation process, so thorough hygiene control is required.



One of the top 10 superfoods in the world, fermented foods each offer a variety of health benefits. But it’s important to eat in the right amount and way to take full advantage of them. If you eat too much or too much, you should be careful because it may harm your health.

We learned about the types of fermented foods, their efficacy, and precautions. Include fermented foods in a healthy diet starting today!

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